Friday, May 8, 2020

Delayed Reaction: Stalag 17

Premise: A bunch of American POWs perpetually plan their big escape while trying to uncover a mole in their ranks.

I want to know who was sitting around thinking, "If only prisoner of war camps could be funnier". I guess it isn't that unique of an idea. The Great Escape had a similar amount of fun with it. Hogan's Heroes got six seasons of material out of it. It just seems weird to me.

I had a hard time getting a read on Stalag 17. 90% of it is a buddy comedy, complete with cartoonish villains and clownish supporting characters. The other 10% is two POWs being killed as they try to escape and class issues. There's some tonal whiplash. It makes a bit more sense that it's based on a Broadway play. That certainly explains the limited locations. Then again, it's a POW camp. People aren't going anywhere by design.

I guess it's cool that William Holden has an Oscar for this. I agree with the sentiment that it was a makeup call for not giving it to him for Sunset Boulevard. Speaking of that movie, I notice that Stalag 17 opened with some narration. Unlike Sunset Boulevard though, this was one big exposition dump. I wish they would've found a more elegant way to sneak that in.

Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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