Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Delayed Reaction: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Pitch: But, can movies be used to scare people?

A man tells the story of a doctor who uses a sleepwalker to do his bidding.

I've been on an old movie kick lately. Not entirely by choice. I have my Netflix queue ordered by date and have a system for updating the top of the queue with new movies. I ran into a bunch of movies with long waits, so Netflix started sending the next ones up, which were these super old movies. Regardless how it happened, I got a nice crash course in silent film lately. The films have all impressed me in their own way. The Birth of a Nation is a massive production. The Kid got a lot of heart out of a simple story. Nosferatu may be the most famous of the early horror movies with the still scary as hell Count Orlok, but I'd pick The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari over it. It was made a year or two earlier. It's an original story, not an unauthorized copy of another. Cesare is scary in his own right. I love the winding and eerie production design of the town. The twist ending is certainly not one I was expecting. For a 98 year old movie, it holds up well.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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