Friday, November 4, 2022

Delayed Reaction: Hellraiser

Premise: …Good question. A man is killed by a mysterious box then resurrected but he needs to kill people to restore his body and there are these people called the Cenobites who look gnarly.


In terms of horror franchises, Hellraiser is probably the biggest one that I hadn’t seen any installments of. I don’t have a specific reason for avoiding it. I had some hesitation because I worried it would be way more on the campy end. You see, horror fans have a higher threshold for crap than any other film fans. For many, if there’s enough gore or a clever enough idea, they’ll eat up even the most amateurish execution. I fall victim to that too for how much found-footage I’ve seen, I admit. In my mind, I conflated Max Headroom fans with Hellraiser fans, I think. Both are very 80s but - it turns out - in very different ways.


In short, this movie is pretty cool. It’s much darker than I expected. A lot of the makeup is delightfully grotesque. The Cenobite design is really cool. I don’t really understand their motivation. They have the puzzle box that’s supposed to delivery otherworldly pleasure and instead leads to the Cenobites torturing. Everything about this movie feels like it’s coming in from 30 degrees to the side of the angle other horror films would. It makes perfect sense to me that this would have a ton of sequels. It’s a malleable idea. I’ll probably give some sequels a try, but I could also see these getting tedious after a while.


Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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