Monday, March 8, 2021

Delayed Reaction: In the Earth

Premise: A Scientist and a park scout go deep into the forest during a global pandemic to find a missing research scientist.


OK, I really don't have much to say about this movie. It was one of the first British productions after COVID shutdowns were lifted. They worked an unnamed global pandemic into this movie, but it's not important to the main plot of the movie. It didn't really have to be included at all, but it does explain why it's about only 4 people in the middle of nowhere. Joel Fry plays a scientist named Martin Lowery. Martin shows up to find another scientist (Hayley Squires) who went missing. He gets Alma (Ellora Torchia), a park scout, to help him navigate. They soon run into a homeless man with an elaborate tent setup in the forest into some weird stuff.


This eventually becomes a movie about the power or science vs. religion in nature. There's a nice mystery to it all. It's interesting learning more about this mysterious tent man and why the other scientist went missing. It's pretty effective at what it's trying to do. However, I can say that it's the first of the 46 Sundance movies I saw that completely escaped my memory. There's more than a little Annihilation in this. Director Ben Wheatley seems a lot more comfortable with material like this than his Rebecca remake last year. Both still fall way short of his Free Fire though.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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