Saturday, August 15, 2020

Delayed Reaction: Ponyo

Premise: A little boy finds a goldfish that turns into a magical little girl.

I'm running out of ways to say this. So many Miyazaki movies are like a warm bath. I just want to marinate in them. Nothing eventful even needs to happen. I can just enjoy the stability and pleasantness of them.

Ponyo isn't my favorite Miyazaki movie. It's maybe closer to being my least favorite, but that speaks more to the reliability of his movies. I don't really know what Ponyo was about. I missed why everything was under water, what the logic was for Ponyo turn human, and what the deal was with her father. I'm sure the movie covers all that. I just didn't really care. I feel like a lot of Miyazaki's movies are like that. I don't really understand what Spirited Away is about. I only sort of get My Neighbor Totoro. I get the feeling of them though. The same goes for Ponyo. I know what I'm supposed to take away from it.

Ponyo the character though annoyed the hell out of me. I'm not sure if it's the voice direction or just that Noah Cyrus had a really annoying voice then, but I hated whenever Ponyo had to talk. I wasn't as annoyed by Frankie Jonas doing the voice of Sosuke. That character had a lot less yelling, I guess. I hope this isn't some sort of unintendedly gender bias or whatever. I think I have some extra hostility at Ponyo because that credits song got stuck in my head.

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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