Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mom's Basement

Our society has a very harsh view on the man living in his mother's basement. It's a punch line in every comic book store scene I've ever watched and I think it needs to end. What's so wrong about living in your mother's basement? Let's look at the facts.
1) Saves money. If you are living in the basement, you are certain to be paying nothing or less than if you were living on your own. Might as well build up a 401K with all this money you're not spending on utilities and cable.
2) Better food. You are going to eat so much better. Mom has never learned how to make food for one so drop that Ramen and get some of that meatloaf. And, believe me, leftovers in he fridge are still better than the pasta you made, substituting ketchup for meat sauce because you were too lazy to go to the store.
3) Might as well have a reason for not getting laid. There's a certain type of person who basically always strikes out with women (I don't know if I know any...), so what better excuse for striking out with the kind of woman you could never land than not having anywhere to go? See. It isn't your fault, it's your situation. Even better, you can save yourself from waking up next to something that even with beer goggles is a solid -2. Think about it. The type of girl you can't take home to meet mom. Done.
4) Clean. As much as she may bitch to you about it, Mom will always crack before you when it comes to cleaning. Where, on your own you could end up with a carpet of crumbs, pizza boxes, tissues, and beer cans (mind you, it started as a hard wood floor), once a week, your floor's been vacuumed and your laundry's done. Can't beat that kind of service.
5) Isolated. The basement is so separate from the rest of the house that you barely have to worry about interruption. Play that loud music, watch that German porn, and play Call of Duty till 4am. It's your domain. And, if you have a door that leads outside, you basically have an apartment with the most forgiving landlord ever.
All I'm trying to say is "don't be so quick to judge" and, TV writers, come up with a new joke. You're better than that.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, it's a tired and overused joke (see: WEDDING CRASHERS). But, I would not wish living with one's parents on anyone. It has it's advantages like saving money, and in these tough economic times, many people our age have been there. Heck, I'VE been there. BUT, it would be pretty sad for someone to live in mom's basement playing CALL OF DUTY working at Rally's going on 10 years with no other goal in site. I wouldn't even mind the working in service or retail, but at least try and be an autonomous individual!
