Thursday, July 28, 2011


Oops. Forgot I had this blog. I'm taking a stab at footnotes this time, although I'm not in the mood to figure out that numbering stuff, so asterisks will do.

Fun fact: Until I had this typed up, I had no idea I've been misspelling "braille" for years. On the plus side, it never insulted any blind people.

I can appreciate trying to be considerate to peoples' assorted disabilities, but there's one that always bothers me: braille. It's great that places try to be accommodating, but a lot of these efforts are made without a lot of common sense.
The other day, I'm at the movie theater, which I assume still has some appeal to a blind person, although, with the prices these days I think they would be smart just to rent it*. At the theater, I notice they have braille on the wall saying** "Men" or "Women". That seems like a nice idea. Well intentioned, yes, but what it the point? Unless the person is walking around with arms out like a zombie*** they don't stand a chance to find the bathroom. Even if they do the zombie method, it's still like hitting a dart board with a blindfold on****. I would assume the person would probably get some assistance from a friend*****, and what douchey friend would lead a blind person all the way to the restroom entrance and say "You figure out which one's right. There's braille." So what I'm getting at is, unless you are going to start making braille menus and theater breakdowns with maps one can feel and step counts and maybe even a system of ropes one can follow, I kind of wonder why even bother?
The part I find morbidly funny: Exits aren't marked in braille. Hopefully the only emergency the blind man in a theater faces is indigestion, because if there's a fire, he's fucked.

*I think they are the one group that the 3-D craze in completely lost on.
**I assume this, since I can't read braille.
***Although my understanding is that blind people, in fact, do not want to call attention to themselves, so I do not recommend this.
****Yes, I realize an eyesight metaphor is crass given the topic at hand.
*****Because, really, why would they go alone.

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