Sunday, September 24, 2023

Delayed Reaction: Peter Pan & Wendy

Premise: The Peter Pan story...again.

I'd like to formally announce my self-nomination for the position of Movie Czar. I'll be running on a single-issue platform. My proposal is this. Before anyone is allowed to make another version of either Pinocchio or Peter Pan, they must get unanimous approval from a select committee of the grumpiest movie fans to prove that there is sufficient interest for another version of the story to be told.

For whatever reason, those two stories are the ones that all filmmakers or producers seems to have in their back pocket as a dream project. So, when these filmmakers get a blank enough check and enough wistful nostalgia, they present their take on the movie and it's pretty much the same take you've seen before

By all means, I should love Peter Pan & Wendy. I enjoy the animated movie. I think David Lowery quietly made one of the best Disney classic remakes with his Pete's Dragon in 2016. Between A Ghost Story and The Green Knight, Lowery has established himself as one of my favorite working directors. If anyone could find a good slant on the Peter Pan story, it's probably him.

Alas, I just plain didn't like this movie. It was the same Peter Pan story I've seen a dozen times before, with enough of the problematic elements sanded away to not ruffle any feathers. Alexander Molony lacks the charisma to make Peter work. To be fair, virtually no child performer can pull the role off. Ever Anderson isn't a particularly memorable Wendy either. I could see a Raffey Cassidy or a Mackenzie Foy playing her better 5 years ago. I was surprised how little fun I had watching Jude Law as Captain Hook. This should be the kind of weirdo supporting role he's relished getting in the last decade.

I'll admit right here that most of my assessment isn't that objective. Perhaps the movie plays better with younger audiences. Perhaps my Peter Pan fatigue was too much for the movie to overcome. I don't know for sure. I just know that I was too bored to ever get into this movie.

Verdict: Strongly Don't Recommend

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