Sunday, September 24, 2023

Delayed Reaction: Boston Strangler

Premise: So, it's She Said, but about an infamous serial killer.

I guess the idea here was "Let's try the David Fincher thing without David Fincher. It can't be that hard." As it turns out, it is. Don't get me wrong, this story about the two female journalists who drove much of the Boston Strangler story is a decent watch. I love both Keira Knightley and Carrie Coon. I'd watch any movie with them as leads. The basic story of the Boston Strangler investigation is inherently interesting.

The main problem with Boston Strangler is that it's not Zodiac and I was aware of that the whole time. That's not fair. I know. I should judge each movie independently. Too bad. Here's the truth about Boston Strangler. Zodiac is better. If you haven't seen either movie, you should watch Zodiac first. If you like Zodiac and don't mind watching something that's still ok but definitely not as good, Boston Strangler scratches that itch.

One of the nice things about the streaming age is that there's a place for movies that are real movies but really don't need that theatrical window. Two decades ago, I'd call this a TNT watch: something I'd happily watch on cable but would be underwhelmed with if I made a trip to a theater for it. They made the right move by releasing this directly to Hulu.

Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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