Friday, February 18, 2022

Delayed Reaction: Deep Red

Premise: A reporter investigates a murder that he's the sole witness of while the murderer attempts to kill all his leads.


I like this movie, but I think every Argento is going to suffer from Suspiria comparison. I went into Suspiria completely unaware of Argento's style. I saw it in a packed house at a midnight screening. The movie blew me away. The color. The sound. The style. It hit me hard and I immediately fell in love with it. Deep Red isn't quite as stylistic. I saw it at home on a 32" TV. It's never going to compare.


This is good though. It's informative. It has the violence and mystery of Argento's later films still. He hasn't embraced the supernatural and bold style yet. I feel like the weird dubbing in the post-production should bother me, but it actually makes me like the movie more. There's something uncanny about it, with the timing being just the slightest bit off. It's like that scene in Black Swan when Natalie Portman and her reflection are just a little bit off. I assume there will be Dario Argento movies I'll dislike at some point. He's made many movies and they don't all have a high reputation. I'm certainly enjoying just watching the hits so far though.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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