Sunday, January 24, 2021

Delayed Reaction: The Three Caballeros

Premise: Donald Duck opens presents from his friends in Latin America that lead into assorted animated segments.


Why aren't there more movies like this? Especially kids’ movies. You see, kids are stupid. It's not their fault. Their brains aren't done figuring things out. But it means that kids are stupid. They have no attention span. That's why so many animated shows are broken into shorter segments. So why aren't more kids’ movies structured like six 10-15-minute-long segments that are loosely connected? Kids can start and stop them whenever from home. When the 5-year-old has to take a bathroom break in the middle of the movie in the theater, she won't be asking what she missed for the next hour, because it's moved onto something new after a few minutes. Before you scoff at the idea, I just want you to think about it for a minute. Is there really a good reason why we don't do it like this anymore?


Most of my Disney Animated feature blind spots are these package films. I hope they are all this lightweightly enjoyable. The Three Caballeros is short. It's got some decent segments. I've got the Three Caballeros song stuck in my head now. Sure. Aspects of the movie don't age that well. It's not exactly a nuanced take on Latin America. Donald Duck is not really a character that I was to spend this much time with.


Weirdly, the most fun I had with this movie was the Wikipedia section about contemporary reviews. Apparently, reviewers found this to be an assault on the senses. Many people were uncomfortable with how horny Donald Duck was. And to all that...ok, fair. I just can't imagine having to come up with a critical assessment of this. I mean, my attempt to do so here dedicated the first half to talking about how stupid kids are.


Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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