Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Delayed Reaction: The Two Popes

Premise: Pope Benedict XVI and the future Pope Francis share a multi-part discussion shortly before Benedict abdicates his position as Pope.

There's something about putting the word 'Pope' in a title that makes it funny. The Young Pope with Jude Law became a meme machine. Even people who liked it started watching it just to say "I'm watching The Young Pope". This led to the sexy Pope jokes and made us all ask how young the Pope could be. Now The Two Popes is out. It's got a couple highly revered actors in the lead roles (Jonathan Pryce, Anthony Hopkins). It's an awards player. But still, whenever I hear or see people mention The Two Popes, there's some sort of joke attached. I won't litigate whether this is the result of a lack of control that religion has over Americans' lives, the striking clash of religious classicism with modern society, or simply the fact that making a walk-and-talk movie with two Popes is just inherently funny. I certainly watched The Two Popes because it's fun to say "the two Popes".

The movie is fine. I tend to prefer my walk-and-talk movies with a little more romance to them (see the Before series, Weekend, Top Five). I'm fascinated by movies and shows that actually try to intellectualize religion. I don't agree with the source beliefs the characters are dealing with, but the philosophical discussion is still smart. The performances are good, although I got a little bored by how often the movie reminds the audience that at the end of the day, these are pretty mundane old men who need Fitbit reminders to get their steps in.

Still, nothing's going to beat watching two Popes watching the World Cup and drinking Fanta together.

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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