Thursday, May 9, 2019

Delayed Reaction: The Collector

The Pitch: How can we make the guy robbing someone's house the sympathetic character in a movie?

A man goes to rob a rich family and discovers that's he's not the first person to break into that house that night.

I think someone a long time ago recommended The Collector to me. I don't remember who it was. Regardless, I don't appreciate the recommendation. This was torture porn. I don't like torture porn. I'm happy to be scared. What I don't care for is seeing excessive violence. It makes me queasy. At a certain point, it reaches fetish levels that disturb me in the wrong way.

I actually like the idea for the movie - a criminal walks into something even more criminal. It's a fun flipping of the script. I spent too much time being disgusted to be scared though.

I don't think it's the movie's fault, but the sound I was getting through streaming it was awful. I had my volume maxed out (admittedly, it was a small TV) and I still had trouble hearing it.

Altogether, this was a bad movie-watching experience.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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