Saturday, December 21, 2019

Delayed Reaction: The Hours

The Pitch: How many Oscar nominees can we fit in one modest drama?

The story of three women in different time periods interconnect and overlap.

This movie has been following me for a while. For years, I really just knew it as that movie that got Nicole Kidman her Oscar. Or, less generously, it was an example of "attractive actress gets ugly and wins Oscar". Then, it turned into one of those crazy cast movies that aged better and better over time. I mean, all three leads - Meryl, Nicole, Julianne - have Lead Actress Oscars now and a collection of nominations. Miranda Richardson, John C. Reilly, Ed Harris, and Toni Collette all have Oscar nominations too. Allison Janney has a win. Margo Martindale, Jeff Daniels, and Claire Danes all seem like they either should've had an Oscar nomination by now or have one in their future. What finally pushed this to the top of my list is that I can't get through an episode of the This Had Oscar Buzz podcast without hearing about it. For my own sanity, it became an imperative that I see it.

It's a solid movie. I mean, the Ed Harris role is a bust, but the three leads are quite good. I love the screenplay. It mirrors events in the three timeliness without calling too much attention to itself. They tell distinctly different stories but all coming from the same place. The few moments when they tied together felt earned and added to the overall narrative. And, it really does help to have three of our finest film actresses carrying the load.
I feel like I should like the movie even more than I do. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't watch it in the right circumstance or the Focus Features milieu isn't on my wavelength, but I did feel some distance for the movie as I watched it. Or maybe the Ed Harris storyline just annoyed me that much. This movie definitely deserves a better legacy than "that movie Nicole Kidman won her Oscar for". 

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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