Sunday, December 22, 2019

Delayed Reaction: Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator

The Pitch: But, seriously, do people know that Bikram is an awful guy?

A documentary about the founder of Bikram Yoga and the sexual assault allegations that came out about him.

If you know nothing about the Bikram Choudhury story, then this is a fairly compact account. It tracks Bikram's rise to prominence. It covers why this Yoga has such a devoted following. It then goes into detail about the crimes Bikram's been accused of, and why they shouldn't be surprising to anyone paying attention. What's especially interesting about this story is that it's a perfect encapsulation of the desire/need to separate the artist from the art. The hot yoga known as Bikram Yoga is great. Bikram is not. Where in the middle do you draw the line of distinction?

The biggest thing working against this movie is that there's a much better account of this story out there. 30 for 30 Podcasts did a series on Bikram a couple years ago. It's a multi-part series that breaks everything down tremendously well. I highly recommend it to anyone who is even moderately into this documentary. The only way that Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator is superior is that it can show video footage of Bikram and the yoga in action. Honestly, that didn't add much to the experience. This documentary is fine, but there's a much better alternative out there.

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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