Saturday, February 6, 2021

Delayed Reaction: The Fog

Premise: A mysterious fog overtakes a small New England town as supernatural forces get their revenge on the 100th anniversary of the town's founding.


The Fog
is a great example of how messy isn't necessarily a bad thing. This is a messy movie. There are a bunch of different storylines that only kind of overlap. It plays a bit like if Robert Altman wrote a horror movie. I love how Adrienne Barbeau's radio broadcast is the linking element and sort of narrates the movie. I especially love her broadcast during the witching hour the first night. It sets a cool mood.


I appreciate how overtly supernatural the explanation for the fog is. A lot of movies would be tempted to make the fog a ruse or try to apply some unneeded logic to it. Not this movie. It's just a fog that conceals six men's sprits who have come to get their revenge. It doesn't really make much sense, but the movie remains upfront with the premise. As a result, the audience can just accept that the world of this movie just works like that. And there's no sense of the larger world in this. As another review I read said, this town feels like it's on the edge of the world.

I also can't praise this movie enough for being a tight 90 minutes. Short horror is a godsend.


Side Thought: Was anyone else weirded out by the pairing of 22-year-old Jamie Lee Curtis and 45-year-old Tom Atkins? I remember he had a similar pairing in Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Are other people seeing something in him that I'm not? In my head, I'll excuse an age gap like this if the guy is really handsome. Like, if you pair Brad Pitt with Keira Knightley in a movie, I'll have a moment of pause but settle on "Well, they are two pretty people". Tom Atkins looks like a 45-year-old fisherman though.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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