Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Delayed Reaction: Whip It

Premise: A teen falls in love with and decides to join a roller derby league.


Remind me again why Drew Barrymore didn't direct more movies after this? That's not to say she will never direct again. She's still shockingly young for how long she's been around and how many phases her career has had. That her feature directing career started and seemingly ended with Whip It is a real shame.


I feel like a lot of actors get it wrong when they decide to direct. They look at it as a way to prove they are more serious. They are directing because they have a vision. While you occasionally get something great right out the gate like A Star is Born, just as often it's an American Pastoral. I respect the actors who lean the other way and make Whip Its or That Thing You Dos. They are lightweight movies that don't get bogged down in plot and leave a lot of room for the performers to just perform.


I like when a movie is just fun. The stakes in Whip It are pretty low. Most of the drama is about Bliss's (Elliot Page) family finding out about her* roller derby double-life and letting her do it. It's a found family movie, which I have a weakness for. It seems like Drew Barrymore got a bunch of friends together for most of the roles. It's a great hang.


*Still figuring out trans-verbiage, but I assume since the character is female, it's safe to use "she". This is really highlighting a lack of discipline in my writing since I normally refer to the performer as the character in these reactions. That’s not normally confusing to follow but very much is here.


What I really loved about the movie was how often it took the easier path. And I don't mean lazy. I mean that everywhere the movie could've leaned into histrionics it opted for something more subdued. Bliss dispatches of the guy cheating on her simply. The movie constantly reminds us that, while the women on the Roller Derby teams take it seriously, everyone knows it's just a game. Juliet Lewis doesn't turn Page in for being too young. The team doesn't abandon Page when they find out the truth. There's almost no fallout other than Page being temporarily ineligible. The movie is more concerned about navigating the complexities of life than creating extra complications.


I was not at all prepared to like this movie as much as I did. Drew Barrymore understands the assignment. Now I'm disappointed there haven't been 2 or 3 more movies from Barrymore like this.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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