Thursday, March 11, 2021

Quick Reaction: Eight for Silver

I simply don't have it in me to give all of these Sundance movies the same time to reflect on them. The basic idea of Eight for Silver is pretty cool. It's set in the 1800s. There's a gypsy curse after some people steal their land. The townsfolk in this country village are terrorized by a sort of werewolf. That's a unique enough premise. The silver teeth at the center of the movie are a cool totem. I appreciated how quickly everyone in the town accepted that there was a curse. It wasn't some "boy who cried wolf" movie.


However, I didn't care for how much it abandoned being a horror movie late. Early on, it had things like that recurring dream for some good scares. Later on though, it turns into a more straight-forward monster thriller movie. A more consistent tone would've played better. I wasn't crazy about the opening either, which spelled out a little too much of what was to come. With it being an indie movie, I don't want to harp too much on this, but the animation of the werewolves wasn't great.


Side Thought: I wonder if these filmmakers saw the 2004 movie Dead Birds. There are many similarities.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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