Monday, September 1, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Blades of Glory

The Pitch: Let's do the Ricky Bobby thing for ice skating.

What Took Me So Long: Does the phrase "you've seen one, you've seen them all" ring a bell?

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Despite everything, I still think Will Ferrell is one of the funniest human being alive. I love the energy he brings to any role, this one included. Jon Heder has an interesting comedic voice as well and doesn't get to showcase it much. In general, the way to make a movie like this, with its singular concept and very easy jokes, work is to cast every talented, funny person you can to play any role you can. Well, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fischer, Will Arnett, Craig T. Nelson, Romany Malco, Nick Swardson, Andy Richter, Rob Coddry...Yeah, looks like they were familiar with the strategy.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The triple header of Talladega Nights, this, and Semi-Pro really narrowed people's opinion of what Will Ferrell does and I still think he's trying to come out of that. He can do more that play ridiculous characters but that does seem to be what he has the most fun doing. This is not an inspired comedy. I don't think it aimed to be one either.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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