Friday, February 21, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Chicken Little

The Pitch: Let's animate the Chicken Little story and go a little meta with it.

What Took Me So Long: I couldn't tell if this was "adults-allowed" Disney or "let's aim only for the kids" Disney.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Here's an example of a children's fable that is famous enough that it seems obvious that it would get a movie treatment, until you think about the fable for 3 seconds and realize there's not a lot to this, at least, that can be given a G-rating. Realizing that, I'd say this movie does an admirable job. Chicken Little and his friends (including Fish out of Water, which is an easy sight-gag that gave me a chuckle more often than it should've) are all funny in a "appeals to kids but isn't endlessly annoying to adults" way. I'm not sure they nailed the moral of the original story all that well, but they fit a couple others about friendship and family to make up for that.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Any time 'aliens' is an answer to a mystery, in my head I cry "cop-out", even for a kids movie. And, while I did find this to have a better funny bone than, say, Barnyard, there's too many movies from Pixar, Dreamworks, and even Disney Animation Studios that are accessible to both children and adults to give this a pass for not being painful to watch as an adult.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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