Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Delayed Reaction: Superman II

Premise: Krypton criminals come to rule Earth and only Superman can stop them.


File this movie in the category of "the production was more interesting than the movie". I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that had things gone differently with Superman II, that could've changed so much about how major films would be made for the next 40 years. For those unfamiliar, the first two Superman movies were meant to be shot back-to-back with Richard Donner directing both. Due to some personality clashed and logistical issues, production was halted most of the way through shooting Superman II. When production began again, it was with Richard Lester directing who ended up reshooting a significant amount of the movie. So, between that and some shortsighted agreements with Marlon Brando, the Superman movies ended up being much costlier to the studio, even in success, than Warner Brothers anticipated. Now, imagine if the plan had worked. Would even more franchise movies be shot back-to-back like that? Would super hero movies have dominated the box office even sooner with more Superman movies and Batman coming even sooner? We'll never know, but it's fun to think about.


I can't say I liked Superman II as much as the original. The origin story was way more fun than just another adventure. I haven't seen "the Donner" cut of Superman II, so maybe it's a difference in filmmaker preference. I do like the descriptions I hear of how Donner liked shooting the movie on an epic scale than Lester's funnier, lighthearted take. Superman II repeatedly retreats from any developments. Lois figures out that Clark is Superman only to have her brain wiped at the end. Clark gives up his powers for Lois then gets them back by the end*. Lex Luthor is only an annoyance in this, which makes it surprising he could ever pose a threat to Superman. I like superhero movies when they are somewhat episodic, but I could've skipped from Superman to Superman III without missing a beat. That's a bit too episodic.


*I'm also not sure why giving up his powers is required to be with Lois, but whatever.


I think Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder remain the best Clark and Lois, and I appreciate how much they get to interact in this without Superman in the way. It's still odd to me how naturally bald Gene Hackman looks so right but fully bald Gene Hackman looks unsettling here. Is that a bald cap? Maybe that's it. Regardless, I appreciate that he really goes for it with how much of a little shit Lex Luthor is, even if he doesn't make as good a lead villain that way. Terence Stamp's Zod is appropriately intimidating. The movie has plenty of fun with him and his crew figuring out Earth.


Not nearly as endearing as the original, but still a thoroughly good time.


Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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