Friday, January 16, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Waiting to Exhale

The Pitch: Angry black women move on from their bad relationships.
What Took Me So Long: I'm the opposite of the target demo for this.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) The pacing is more relaxed than you see in most movies. All four of the leads, I don't want to say they are having a good time since that's not the nature of the movie, but they are owning it, I guess. I've always liked Loretta Divine so it was good to see her.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: This is a really anti-man movie. Like, I assume this was cathartic for a certain subset of spurned women, but it mostly made me uncomfortable. The male characters were exactly that: characters. None of them felt real. I rather strongly disliked this movie. It's a slight cop-out, but I'm really not the ideal audience for this and I think it was more specific to when it came out. In short, I'm grading this on a curve.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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